The Importance of Network Security Monitoring


Network security monitoring is the process of continuously monitoring a network for security threats and vulnerabilities. According to a report by cybersecurity firm FireEye, the average time to detect a breach is 99 days.

This highlights the importance of continuous monitoring to ensure that threats are detected and addressed as quickly as possible.

One of the key benefits of network security monitoring is that it allows businesses to identify and respond to threats before they can cause significant damage. By continuously monitoring the network, businesses can detect anomalies and suspicious activity that may indicate a security threat. This can help prevent data breaches and reduce the overall impact of an attack.

To effectively monitor their networks, businesses can use a variety of tools and techniques, such as intrusion detection systems (IDS) and log analysis. It is important to work with a trusted vendor or security expert to determine the best approach for your business.

Practical tips

  • Use intrusion detection systems (IDS): Install an intrusion detection system (IDS) to continuously monitor the network for security threats.
  • Analyze logs: Regularly analyze logs to identify anomalies and suspicious activity that may indicate a security threat. Tools such as Deep Threats Shield can cut down the false positives by up to 99% and reduce the worlkoad by 80%.
  • Work with a security expert: Consult with a security expert to determine the best approach for your business and ensure that your network is properly monitored.
  • Don’t forget, Deep InfoSec is here to support you throughout all those steps. Contact us today!